Preventive programms | Valenia Health Services

Importance of genetics

Our organism is comprised of thousands of genes containing the necessary information for its proper functioning.

Variations in gene composition create polymorphisms, which determine how our organism manages its internal resources and our degree of vulnerability to external factors that cause alterations in our health.

Genes directly condition our lives, state of health, performance, etc. Their proper medical interpretation allows us to anticipate a tendency to potential illnesses to which we are vulnerable. Our genetic structure can be altered in a negative or positive way, giving us competitive advantages or resistance to certain damaging agents, as for example the APOE Variant 2 gene, which plays a recognised protective role in Alzheimer’s.

A genetic analysis allows us to draw up an individual plan focusing on palliating specific, genetically marked risks, boosting strengths and allowing us to attain an optimal quality of life.

What we do

With genetic study we give accessibility to your genetic information so that it is useful and with a medical application we improve your quality of life. We enhance your innate capacities to improve your welfare and we reduce your genetic weaknesses so that they are not a risk in the future.

Genes do not have only one function, they affect different areas of the organism, and their involvement can vary according to their combinations. We are not speaking about a gene – a disease, but the whole set and their interaction. We analyse the organism as a whole and not isolated genes.

The importance of a genetic test is not just obtaining a result but also the ability to interpret it and of prescribing a personalized treatment. This can only be performed by a specialist in genetics who is also a doctor. 

Preventive programms

Age managment. Discovers, manages and prevents the risk factors, which condition the passing of the years.
Woman health. Allows you to improve your welfare by managing hormonal effects at every stage of your life.
Executive. Optimizes working performance and capacity for better personal welfare.
Nutrihealth. Nutritional guidelines to guarantee efficient and healthy weight.
Baby. Achieves optimal development in the early stages to ensure a healthy future.
Sport. Gets the maximum potential for safe, healthy and efficient sports performance.
Fibromialgen. Discovers its genetic origins to improve the quality of life and reduce the symptoms.

How we do it

Firstly. Taking a saliva sample

From a small saliva sample, our technicians extract the DNA content from the cells to process it in the laboratory.

Secondly. Laboratory result

The most advanced techniques for genetic analysis are at our disposal. We have Illumina technology for detecting changes in DNA sequencing by analysing a total of 128 different polymorphisms of the human genetic code.
Quantification and quality control using nanospectroscopy.
High-performance genotyping technology using DNA matrices.
Quality control in the detection of genetic mutations.
Bioinformatics processing of data.

Thirdly. Medical report

The genetic information is translated to clinical medicine. We analyse its interaction bearing in mind environmental factors. In this way we offer an individualized, preventative and useful clinical diagnosis for your whole life.

Fourthly. Implementation

We know that it is difficult to incorporate new habits in your daily life so we offer you a complete programme with a Nutritional Plan to implement the new routine. We identify guidelines with steps to follow and recommendations always with monitoring of the plan and the introduction of improvements during the whole programme.

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    Terms of use


    Age managment

    Price: 1500 euro

    • including 3 visits to the geneticist specialist and 6 visits to nutritionist.

    Health plans, balanced diets, health advice and disease preventive measures, are general, useful and generally, based on statistics.


    Price: 1500 euro

    • including 3 visits to the geneticist specialist and 6 visits to nutritionist.

    Our working environment constantly demands maximum performance, and competitiveness is not compatible with a poor physical condition or lengthy or repeated sick leaves.

    Woman health

    Price: 1500 euro

    • including 3 visits to the geneticist specialist and 6 visits to nutritionist.

    Hormonal tests, medical check-ups, and gynaecological and fertility tests, reflect the static state of health, at a given time when such examinations are carried out.


    Price: 1400 euro

    • including 3 visits to the geneticist specialist and 6 visits to nutritionist.

    Patients who are diagnosed with fibromyalgia and CFS, (chronic fatigue syndrome) have always been placed under suspicion. For years they have had to put up with both their symptoms and the possible invention of their illnesses.

    Children's program

    Price: 1500 euro

    • including 2 visits to the geneticist specialist and 2 visits to nutritionist.

    As is logical, the correct development of babies worries their parents even before they are born. There are many factors which, from the early stages of a person’s life can condition their development.


    Price: 600 euro

    • including 4 visits to nutritionist.

    Probably in the final third of our lives, we suffer health complications which limit us or prevent us from living fully. The way of managing to live more but also better is the prevention.


    Price: 750 euro

    • including 2 visits to the geneticist specialist and 2 visits to nutritionist.

    Practising sport is fundamental for good health and quality of life, but when doing it, we must bear in mind both our limitations and the risks that it entails.