Check-up 1 | Valenia Health Services

We are pleased to inform you of the details of the Check-up programme. It consists of a visit with the internal medicine doctor, who reviews the medical history, carries out an initial physical examination and final report, and orders any additional tests that may be necessary to complete the Check-up. The standard tests are:

Laboratory tests

Urine – Sediment, Albumin

Stool – Fecal occult blood (FOB) tests


  1. Complete blood count and ESR (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate).
  2. Serum iron
  3. Prothrombin time
  4. Platelets
  5. Fasting blood glucose
  6. Hb Glycosylated
  7. Urea
  8. Creatinine
  9. Ionogram
  10. Total cholesterol
  11. Fractions – HDL Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol.
  12. Triglycerides
  13. Uric acid
  14. GOT
  15. GPT
  16. GGT
  17. Total bilirubin
  18. Direct bilirubin
  19. Alkaline phosphatase (ALP)
  20. Protein electrophoresis
  21. LDH
  22. TSH
  23. PSA H >45 (Men)
  24. Free T4 (Women)
  25. Blood group
  26. RH factor
  27. Partial thromboplastin time

Imade diagnostics

  1. Chest CT
  2. Abdominal CT (with contrast)

Cardiological examinations

  1. Echocardiogram.
  2. Electrocardiogram.
  3. Stress test: We recommend bringing trousers and sports shoes. (We have disposable pyjamas available.)

Respiratory examinations

  1. Spirometry

Othorhynolaryngological examinations

Ophtalmologic examinations

Gynaecologic examinations (women)


  1. Gynaecologic visit
  2. Cytology
  3. Mammography
  4. Bone density

Total amount: 1.105 euros (women); 890 euros (men).

If any relevant changes are detected in the examinations carried out, further tests can be done in a specific specialty: Urology, Gastroenterology, Respiratory, Traumatology, etc.

Check-ups begin at 9:15 a.m. in a state of fasting, in the main hall of the hospital, at the Reception desk (floor 0); after taking note of the administrative data at the Admissions Department, you will be accompanied to the ground floor (Internal Medicine), where you will begin the laboratory tests.

You will then have a visit with the internal medicine doctor, who will review your medical history and perform the physical examination. During the visit with the doctor, the patient will have to take some drops of contrast, which can be dissolved in water or orange juice. This is required to perform the chest-abdominal CT later.

After this, you will be continued to perform all the tests detailed in the check-up programme. If any additional test not included in the general check-up is suggested by the internal medicine doctor, it will be scheduled during the course of the day, or at the patient’s request.

When the check-up will be resumed, the internal medicine doctor will inform the patient of the results, conclusions, recommendations and/or treatment regarding the check-up performed. A breakfast ticket and a parking ticket will be provided if you wish.

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